Branden Barber
Branden BarberFund Director
Starting in advocacy with Greenpeace as a crewman on the Rainbow Warrior “back in the day,” Branden has been in service to our planet’s ecosystems and environmental justice for over 25 years. A 10-year diversion saw him at dotcom startups, high-end design agencies, and in the leadership of eServices companies in the US and Australia. To get over his corporate hangover he downshifted into rural bush life, living off the grid in country Australia, fighting fires as a volunteer brigade lieutenant and running his design studio.

Good times!

Hearing and heeding the call to rejoin the good fight, he was teleported back to the US to join the leadership at Rainforest Action Network where he served for 5 years as development director and part of the leadership team. Next he jumped into the trenches with Amazon Watch as their director of engagement and and where he now serves on the board of directors.

While at Amazon Watch he started their Amazon Journeys program, partnering with AltruVistas as one of the very first organizational clients to bring ethical, transformative travel to the supporters and partners of Amazon Watch.

He sits on the Steering Committee at upstart grantor, the Kindle Project, and is on the Advisory Board of the Borneo Project. He’s committed to the protection of Nature, respect for indigenous peoples, trees, and learning from his kids every minute of every day. Lorax-certified.

Branden joined AltruVistas to jumpstart our program to give back beyond our services as an ethical travel provider. The AtruVistas Foundation is being set up to provide support for on-the-ground projects in communities that AltruVistas visits, giving the company and our travelers an opportunity to make a significant and ongoing difference.