Celebrate LGBT Rights in Cuba:
Journey Against Homophobia and Transphobia
Trip Availability: OPEN
Dear Friends,
We are proud to invite you to join us on a special journey Celebrating LGBT Rights in Cuba and participating in the
La Jornada Contra Homofobia y Transfobia this May 13-22, 2017.
Overview of this Trip to Cuba:
This people to people program will be to learn more about Cuba’s history and development of resources for the LGBTQ community. The program will focus on resources in the fields of health, education, culture, community building, and participation. We will also learn through our exchanges how urban and rural communities engage and participate in the weeklong national festivities related to the “la jornada contra homofobia” – the journey against homophobia. The purpose of the trip is to have educational exchanges with the Cuban people, particular those that identify as part of the LGBTQ community.
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