Cuba | Sadiki Safari in Cuba
Trip Availability: CLOSED
Tour Sponsor: Knowmadica Journeys

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Our day in Cuba begins with a City Tour of Havana. Our guided tour includes a brief history of the city’s important sites with a focus on the diverse architecture of the city. We will adventure through Havana’s oldest neighborhood to learn about the historic, architectural, and cultural significance of this area which was declared a World Heritage Site in 1982 by UNESCO.
We will take a visit to the Casa de Africa and meet with a docent to share the African History in Cuba from the Slave trade, to an overview on Race in Cuba today.
We will be meeting with many AfroCuban artists and researchers to discuss gender and race in Cuba.
We will go to the San Severino Fort to learn about the Slave Route and trade in Cuba and then end our forth night by engaging in a local’s Rumba class.
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