Cuba | Sustainable Development Models: Urban and Rural Mutuality and Interconnectedness (Feat. the 13th Int'l CUBASOLAR workshop)
Trip Availability: OPEN
Interested in learning more about Cuba and its leadership in the area of sustainable development? Join us as we learn about Cuba’s achievements in education, literacy, community involvement and sustainability. The tour features participation at CubaSolar- Cuba’s foremost NGO researching and implementing projects in renewable energy.
Be inspired by their extraordinary accomplishments in the area of renewable energy. The conference provides a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of the significance of the Cuban model to other countries of the developing world.
Engage in diaologue with renewable energy experts from Cuba and from many nations of Latin America and Europe as well as other regions of the world. Visit Havana and Las Tunas during this time where solidarity between the US and Cuban people is needed. And, yes, there will be time to enjoy historic and cultural sites, Cuban music and art.
Tour Price
Price schedule:
$2600 for 10-14
$2475 for 15-20
Singles $320
Trip Itinerary
View Trip Itinerary Here