Cuba | International Youth Exchange to Cuba with Dalia La Pantera
Tour Sponsor: Vertical Skillz
Join Vertical Skillz for a tour of Cuba’s rich culture. Learn the history of Cuba’s art, sports, music, and agriculture. Connect with local boxers, yogis, farmers, consumers, activists, children, and more. This will be a mini-study-abroad trip for middle and high school students to totally immerse themselves in another world. Appreciate the differences and the things that unite us as a people.
Our activities will include historical site tours, special speakers, sports complexes, art tours, and participation in a day of service with local children. Enjoy the food and beaches, and bring all the things you experienced back to the USA to give back to your own community.
We aim to enhance your understanding of another place other than the Bay Area or the USA. Grow empathy and compassion, learn new ideas, and be grateful for the things you have and the things you don’t.
Vertical Skillz’s Mission:
Vertical Skillz is a program designed to empower inner city youth through outreach opportunities that are centered around building physical, mental, and character strength through mentorship, life skills training, and international traveling experience.
Global Experience component:
Students will have the opportunity to apply to this program. It is designed to help prepare middle school and high school students for academic, professional and personal success. Participants will be required to engage in community service in partnership with a local school or nonprofit in the host country. Students have an opportunity to immerse themselves in and learn about other cultures while traveling to various locations with Vertical Skillz. This program focuses on youth of color and those of low-income backgrounds who have not had prior access to international travel opportunities.
To apply for the July 26 – August 3 Cuba Journey:
Visit and follow the steps!
About your journey leader:Dalia “La Pantera” Gomez was the first to graduate college in her family of eight. She received a basketball scholarship to Evergreen State College and played semi-pro basketball in Mexico. She is now a middle-school teacher for the Oakland Unified School district, a personal trainer, community leader, philanthropist, motivational speaker, and a professional boxer. “La Pantera” won the 2015 California Golden Glove Championship title, 2015 Puerto Rico vs California Champion title, and the 2016 Beautiful Brawler Champion. In 2018 she had her first annual youth Pantera Camp filled with games, mentorship, and back to school gifts for the youth of Oakland. Dalia has previously facilitated international youth and sports exchanges in Nicaragua and Belize.
Tour Price
$TBF – To be Funded!
Click here to donate and send Bay Area kids to Cuba!
Trip Itinerary
View Trip Itinerary Here